Friday, July 25, 2008

Time to get a new cell phone. What ever shall it be?!?!

My old cell phone finally kicked the bucket this week. I usually have it in my front shirt pocket and I some times forget to take it out when giving Jayden a bath. Lean over to far and *plop*, into the tub it goes. It has survived 3 baths so far but on the 4th it gave in and ceases to function. Jayden actually saw it and took it out of my pocket. I tried to grab it quick from him and knocked it into the air. Picture me in slow motion going "Noooooooo...." as the phone plops into the bath beneath the bubbles. Jayden thought it was some sort of game and sloshed and splashed about. By the time I found it under the bubbles it was too late.

I have really been longing to get an iPhone since they came out over a year ago. Many of my friends at work have them and they are very, very nice. But they where soooo expensive and the monthly plan was double what I was paying now (we have a really good deal with Sprint right now. 500min and unlimited everything else for $35 each). The new 3g iPhone just came out and cut the price down to $199 (from $599 originally and $399 at the time).

Long story short I convinced Missy to let me get one or Missy decided I could get one. Which ever way you wish see it ;)

I love, love, love, LOVE my new phone. I have used several and really liked them but now that I have gotten to use it for 48hrs I have a whole new level of appreciation. It is so sweet and multi functional. Here is a small list of the things that are just so great about it:

  • Replaces my iPod so I don't have to carry 2 devices every day.

  • The screen is 3 times the size of my iPod. Watching a movie or show on it is rather enjoyable now.

  • Google maps. Not just google maps but a super slick, super fast touch interface to google maps. This is pry my favorite thing. This will be so useful. Like having a computer with you at all times that you can map and look stuff up on. Very, very sweet.

  • Integrated GPS. I can literally open Google maps, it locates me via GPS. Type in "Pizza". Shows me all pizza places near me. Select one and click "directions" and BAM!- turn by turn GPS directions from my exact location to the pizza place i picked. That will be so so cool on vacations and new places, like Mexico.

  • Internet access. The real Internet. Not a mobile phone version. Can't really explain how cool it is, you would have to see it.

  • Email from my yahoo and gmail. This is nothing too new to you "Crack-berry" users but I have never had this, so very cool to me. Plus its my personal email, not a work leash ;)

  • Here is the only bad thing:

  • No video capture capabilities. It can only take photo's. It cannot take videos. So no more Jayden quick videos posted unless Missy takes them.


    Disneygirl13 said...

    Jeff got one a week ago and it has become the other woman!!! Even the girls have gotten into playing with it with some of the stuff Jeff has downloaded (painting, bubble wrap popping, etc). I have to wait until Oct to get mine (boo hoo)!!!